Player Welcome &

 Information Pack


Welcome and Registration Pack Contents:

  1. Our Mission Statement


  1. Elite Football Club Code of Conduct


  1. Code of Conduct – Young Players


  1. Code of Conduct – Parents, Carers, Volunteers, Spectators


  1. Code of Conduct – Training Sessions


  1. Alcohol and Smoking Policy


  1. Extreme Weather Policy


  1. Child Protection Policy


  1. Incident Reporting


  1. Medical Policy


  1. Player Movement Policy


  1. Refunds


  1. Code of Conduct Sign Off



1. Our Mission Statement


Elite Football club is committed to being the best football club it can be by creating a centre of excellence through superior coaching and a superb playing environment. Our aim is that all players will achieve their full potential through participation, inclusion and personal development.

Elite Football Club aims to provide this opportunity to the young generation of up-and-coming footballers.

Our Philosophy

  • To educate and create good human beings through football.
  • To provide players with the best training methodology according to our football understanding.
  • To provide all players with the best opportunities, environment and professionalism as possible. We understand and believe that development is crucial for all children.

Our Methodology

  • Development through technical and physical sessions with the ball. This is designed around improving football specific movements.
  • Development through real time and real space situations.
  • Educating players about the right character to have and all aspects of the game, thus giving them the tools necessary to make their own composed decisions on and off the field.
  • Promoting a growth mindset.
  • Promoting good football habits and football understanding through videos, theory, team discussions etc.

Our working methods

  • Clear values.
  • Simple and straight forward concepts.
  • Intuition and sound decision making.


These working methods are embedded into every aspect of our club.


2. Elite Football Club Code of Conduct


Outlined below is the Code of Conduct that the Committee of Elite Football Club has identified and endorsed for all members and supporters of the Club. This Code of Conduct clearly identifies and outlines the expected types of behaviour the Committee requires from any person that is acting as a representative of the Elite Football Club in any number of different capacities.

If members of our club feel that other members within the club are not fully respecting the Code of Conduct, then these members should feel free to address these concerns to any member of the current committee for further investigation. If the committee believes that breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred, then the offending person/s will be counselled to understand and modify their behaviour to prevent any further reoccurrences of the behaviour. In the event of repeated or serious breaches of any of the Code of Conduct, the Committee, at its discretion, can suspend or ultimately withdraw the offending person/s membership from the Club.

Please be mindful that this document covers the activities and behaviour of our Club’s members & supporters only. While we would expect that members & supporters of opposition clubs would follow a very similar model for Code of Behaviour, the Committee is not in a position to take direct action against members from opposing clubs.

If members encounter behaviour from opposing team members or supporters which they believe is in breach of Code of Conduct, then this behaviour should be documented and reported to a member of the committee ASAP. The committee is then able to raise a formal letter of Complaint to the Offending Club and/or the FFV, if appropriate, outlining the behaviour that occurred and requesting that a form of action be taken to ensure the behaviour is not repeated.

It is important to remember that in the “heat of the moment” members of Elite Football Club are expected to behave in the manner outlined in this document, lowering our actions to the level of the offending club’s members or seeking to extract “revenge” is not an appropriate course of action.

This document covers the following areas where a Code of Conduct is deemed extremely important:

  • Young Players Code of Conduct
  • Parents, Volunteers and Spectators Code of Conduct
  • Volunteers and Spectators Code of Conduct
  • Training Sessions Code of Conduct
  • Alcohol and Smoking Policy



3.  Code of Conduct – Young Players


We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game.

As a player you have a big part to play and that is why Football Federation Australia is asking every player to follow and respect the Code of Conduct.

When playing football for Elite Football Club, I will:

  • Always play to the best of my ability.
  • Play fairly at all times. I will not cheat, complain or waste time.
  • Play by the rules as directed by the referee.
  • Respect my team mates, the other team, the referee and my coach/team manager at all times.
  • Listen and respond to what my coach and /or team manager tell me.
  • Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of each game.
  • Treat all players as I would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player;
  • Cooperate with my coach, team mates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition;
  • Play for my own enjoyment, and not just to please parents and coaches;
  • Talk to someone I trust or the club member protection officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club.


If I do not follow the code of conduct, any and /or all of the following actions may be taken by Elite Football Club.

  • Receive a formal warning from my coach and /or the Elite Football committee.
  • Be dropped from the team or substituted.
  • Be suspended from training for a certain period of time.
  • Be required to leave the club.


In addition:

Elite Football Club or competition administrator may make my parent and /or carer aware of any infringements of the code of conduct for young players.

The competition administrator could also impose a fine, suspension or loss of competition points against my team and /or Elite Football Club.



4.  Code of Conduct – Parents, Carers, Spectators, Volunteers


We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game.

  • Remember that children play the sport for their enjoyment, and not yours.
  • Encourage all children to participate, do not force them.
  • Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than the result of the activity (i.e., win / loss).
  • Encourage children to always participate according to the rules.
  • Never ridicule, yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good play by both teams.
  • Support all efforts to remove racial and religious vilification, verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  • Respect the match official’s decisions and teach your child to do likewise.
  • Show respect and appreciation to Club officials, including coaches, officials and administrators. Ensure any issues are raised through the correct channels.
  • Do not enter the field of play or its surrounds without the authority to do so.
  • The opposition team are also children, please respect them.
  • Respect the Referee.
  • Respect the decisions of Match Officials.
  • Respect the rights & dignity of every person regardless of their race, colour, religion, language, politics, national or ethnic origin.
  • Do not engage in the use of violence in any form.
  • Do not engage in discrimination, harassment, or abuse in any form. This includes obscene or offensive language or gestures, indecent or racist chanting.
  • Behave in a manner that enhances the reputation of the Elite Football Club.
  • Adhere to club policies including smoke-free areas and liquor license requirements.



5.  Code of Conduct – Training Sessions


A breach of the code of conduct at training sessions will be activated if:

  • There is any physical aggression towards the coach, team manager, club official or other players. This will not be tolerated.
  • Anyone disrespects the coach, team manager, club official or other players. This will not be tolerated.
  • A player is absent from training for more than one session in a week without notifying the coach/team manager.
  • There is any use of inappropriate/ negative comment towards the club. (This includes the inappropriate use of social media).

Possible repercussions which will be enforced if the code of conduct-training sessions has been breached are as follows:

  • Player will be required to apologies to coach, team manager or another player.
  • Player will receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee.
  • Player may be dropped or substituted for the next game.
  • Player may be suspended from training or match day.
  • Consistent breaches of the code of conduct at training sessions may require the player to be expelled from the club.

The following process will be followed when a coach seeks to implement sanctions due to a breach of the code of conduct-training sessions.

  • Coach to inform Head Coach – stipulating the reason for a possible sanction.
  • Approval needs to be given by Head Coach before sanction is communicated to player and parents. (This will ensure a level of consistency)
  • Suspension communicated to player / parents by either Head Coach and or coach.

The game is a test of all the work done during the training week. It is therefore important and mandatory that all players attend 2 or 3 training sessions at a minimum each week.

If a player does not attend training sessions they will likely start on the bench with reduced and /or no game time for that week.

The club does understand that certain players will have school commitments during the season e.g., school camp, exams and parent teacher interviews. Therefore, exceptions will be made by the coach for these types of scenarios. However, the team manager must be informed in advance when a player is unable to attend training regardless of the reason.


6. Alcohol and Smoking Policy




Elite Football Club adhere to strict guidelines set by the FFA regarding the responsible consumption of alcohol. Responsible service and consumption of alcohol should apply to any alcohol to be consumed during or after the competition has concluded. Responsible service of alcohol will entail:

  1. Making sure light alcohol and soft drinks are always available as alternatives to full strength alcohol.
  2. Wherever possible, food being available to be consumed when alcohol is available.
  3. Transport policies, and Board/Committee Members being in attendance to ensure appropriate practices are followed.


The following shall be applied to all football-related events (including matches and social functions):

  1. No smoking shall occur at or near any sporting event or competition involving persons under the age of 18, and this Policy applies to all coaches, players, trainers, officials and volunteers.
  2. Social functions shall be smoke free, with smoking permitted at designated outdoor smoking areas.
  3. Coaches, officials, trainers, volunteers and players will refrain from smoking and remain smoke free while involved in an official capacity for any of the Governing Bodies, Club or representative team, on and off the field.



7. Extreme Weather Policy


Elite Football Club follows the Extreme Weather Policy of the FV.

Highlights of this policy are:

Heat: For Matches: If the forecast maximum temperature on the day before a match is for 34ºC or above, postponement of fixtures should be considered.
For Training: (only applies to teams up to and including U16) Training sessions should be cancelled if the temperature during the training session exceeds 34ºC.

Hail: All outdoor activity should be suspended during hail storms so that players and officials can seek suitable shelter.

Lightning: If the time between lightning flash and the thunder sound is less than 30 SECONDS then outdoor activity should be suspended, and not resumed until 30 MINUTES after the last thunder strike.

Cold: Minus 2 degrees Celsius (Apparent Temperature) is the point where play should be suspended for wind chill factor.

Rain: as this is an outdoor sport, training sessions and games will not be suspended. Only if we receive a request by the Council to cancel the game or training session. In this instant we will notify the teams at least 1 hour prior to start time. Elite will try it’s best to reallocate the session to the centre but that’s not always possible.

This policy applies to training and trial sessions as well as fixtures and friendly matches.

8. Child Protection Policy


All FFV football clubs are required to implement the Child Safe Standards and the mandatory reporting guidelines from the Victorian Government’s amendment to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) (“CYFA”) and the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) (“Crimes Act”).

Elite Football (the “Club”) is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse.  We support the rights of the child and will act at all times to ensure that a child safe environment is maintained.  We also support the rights and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and encourage their active participation in building and maintaining a secure and safe environment for all participants. Everyone involved at the Club is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.

The Club takes the following steps to ensure best practice standards in the recruitment and screening of staff and volunteers:

  • Require Working with Children Checks for relevant positions.
  • Our commitment to Child Safety and our screening requirements are included in all advertisements and as part of the induction process for new staff or volunteers.
  • The Club has appointed Child Safety Persons with the specific responsibility for responding to any complaints made by staff, volunteers, parents or children.



9. Incident Reporting 


All incidents on or off the field that involve players, coaches, team managers, trainers, spectators and anyone else participating in soccer will be dealt in the following manner:

  • An incident report must be completed and submitted to the Elite Football Club Sports Administration during office hours.
  • An initial meeting will be organised to discuss and resolve the matter. If the matter can’t be resolved, the matter will be referred to the Elite Football Club Executive Committee.

Note: Under no circumstances you are to discuss your incident with the Coach, Technical Director or Team Manager.  All incidents are to follow the procedures set above.

All matters will be dealt with before the next forthcoming round and all decisions are final with no opportunity for appeal. The committee has the authority to impose fines, suspensions and permanent expulsion from the Club.

All Players, Coaches or Teams will be held accountable for any fines imposed by the FFV or by Elite Football Club. Such fines will NOT be paid by the club under any circumstances and failure to pay within 14 days will result in suspension of play until the fine has been paid in full.


10. Medical Policy


We believe that football (soccer) should be safe, enjoyable, and inclusive and maximise individual participation. Football however is a contact sport and the club acknowledges public space and club premises and all football activities must be subject polices and processes that risk, safety and medical consideration of members and the public to ensure the club can act, support and guide our staff and protect our members in the case of medical situations. As a part of Elite Football commitments to members, this Medical Policy is a part of our overall Safety & Risk Management policy that seeks to protect members and the public and minimise risk to the club, members, the public and assets associated with the club or public assets used by the club.

Rendering medical assistance

Coaches, team managers and other Club members of their respective teams are obligated to render medical assistance for minor injuries to the best of their abilities and seek further assistance as required. In the case of serious injury or a medical emergency the Victorian Ambulance Service is to be contacted for assistance.


Members agree to allow for medical treatment or hospitalisation when absent

In the case of serious injury or a medical emergency where either a parent or guardian is not present, the member grants permission to the coach, team manager or other member of the Club to seek and obtain medical treatment or hospitalisation. Members agree to meet all medical expenses for urgent medical attention which is required and is not covered by the insurance policy held by the Club.

No Claims against the club

Members acknowledge that the Club is covered by insurance for losses arising out of public liability and with respect to losses incurred as a result of emergency and/or ongoing medical treatment suffered during the course of training and/or competition.

Members acknowledge that the insurance policy held by the Club with respect to medical and like expenses incurred as a result of injuries suffered during the course of training and/or competition may not cover all of the medical and like expenses and that any shortfall in the cost of obtaining urgent and/or continuing medical treatment shall be borne by them.

No Pay, No Play, No Insurance

Members acknowledge and understand that non-financial players are not covered by insurance and will not be permitted to play until registration fees are part paid or paid in full.

Medical Declaration

As part of the registration process, members are required to disclose any medical condition which could have an impact on them personally or any other member of the Club. Disclosures are to be made via the online registration system. Members are required to inform their coach and team manager of any medical condition that requires a specific medical action plan. Team officials are required to maintain the confidentiality of disclosures relating to the medical condition of members at all times. The Club will attempt to accommodate any special requirements, but it is not responsible for providing or arranging specialist support.

Blood Rule

In accordance with FFV rules, any player who suffers an injury or wound which results in the loss of blood must leave the pitch immediately to obtain treatment.

A player may not return to the field of play until the injury or wound has been safely covered and contained. A player may be required to change their uniform before returning to the field of play if it has blood on it.



11. Player Movement Policy


In the interest of player development, there is a requirement for player movement from one team to another. This policy is designed to highlight how these movements may occur.

  • A player movement may be required, but is not limited to; player development, team development, filling a void for teams short of players. This occurs under the discretion of the Head Coach.
  • Player requests from the coach will be taken under considered and must be agreed to by the Head Coach before it is approved.
  • In deciding on a player movement, the Technical Director may choose to discuss this request with the Team Manager, parent and player depending on the age.
  • Team Managers, parents and players are NOT permitted to organise any player movement under any circumstances.

We understand that your priority is to your child. Elite Football Club recognises this and are committed to ensuring your child receives the best coaching and development possible.

We make this commitment to all players. The Coaches and the Technical Director will be required to make decisions on the best overall solution for your child.

We respectfully request your understanding and adherence with this policy particularly when it affects your child.


We believe that football (soccer) should be safe, enjoyable, and inclusive and maximise individual participation. Equally, the club is primarily focused on football development and our team selections policy is geared towards improving the overall standard of football in the club and increasing player’s opportunities to improve themselves. Elite Football acknowledges that positive experiences in junior competition will contribute to children developing a lifelong love of football. Our team selection policy is designed to enable junior players to aspire to playing at a higher level if they so desire as well as playing socially. Players will be selected to play at an age appropriate level with team members of similar skill level. Players will be given every opportunity to be members of the club based on availability of positions as determined by club team policy.


Policy -Grading

  • Grading will be held at Elite Football for each age group during March (for winter season) and September (for summer season).
  • Dates will be advertised on the club website, social media and via email to any non-members who are waitlisted through an expression of interest.
  • Attendance at all grading is recommended to enable the player to be placed in the most appropriate team for their level of skill.
  • All players attending grading must be registered with Elite Football with a current email address, mobile number, name and date of birth or they will not receive any correspondence from the club. Details of how to register with the club are on the club website.
  • Players unable to attend grading should notify the club in writing so that the club may apply the appropriate consideration for the player.
  • Players will be assessed on technical and tactical skill as well as attitude.
  • Squad selection will be made by the coaching panel with advice from the age group coaches from the previous year and the age group Technical Director.
  • The club will then make provisional squad selections based on grading results, players and positions available in that age group.

Player and team selection

Players will be selected into age-appropriate squads for preseason where there are squads available according to the Elite football Team policy for that year.

  • The number of positions in squad shall be based upon the age group, gender and number of teams available to compete in the age group.
  • The number of teams in each age group will depend upon the number of players available in that age group and the Elite Football policy for our number of teams in any given season. The base team policy developed by the club committee for each age group based on facility and coach availability as well as player capability.
  • Each player will be selected to play for the club and a team based on the following general criteria:
    • Grading assessment and age group
    • Behaviour and attitude on the field towards the game, other players and coaching staff
    • Past performance and history with the club
    • Technical and tactical skill
    • Team fit and requirements

For Mini-Roo boys, the club will generally make places available to all returning members and new players. Mini-Roos players will be selected into teams according to their grading or past history with the club. Every endeavour will be made by the club to retain players in teams however the club retains the right to name players in any squad as recommended by the coaching panel.


The club cannot guarantee a spot for returning members and new players. The club has limited places for Junior players and the club will select players in Juniors according to availability of positions given specific players capabilities and team fit.

Offer to players

  • At the conclusion of the grading period, players selected by the club will be offered positions in a provisional squads by email.
  • Players who do not receive an offer will be waitlisted by the club and offered a position in the event of a vacancy.
  • Selected players will be asked to confirm their positions with a financial deposit within the due date given in the offer letter.
  • Players will only be entitled to the spot on offer after paying a deposit within the given date period or by contacting the club prior to the expiry period of the offer if unable to pay online. Spots that are not secured within the  period will be offered to players who are waitlisted. There will be no exemptions.
  • Note that any offer to a player is for a place in a provisional squad and not the final team. The club reserves the right make adjustments to squads prior to season commencement according to team and club requirements.


12. Refunds


On occasions a club member may leave our club or stop playing football and seek to have registration fees refunded. Accordingly, the club has adopted this refund policy.


In the event of a deposit being placed with the club to hold a membership or academy position, no refund will be provided if the player decides not to participate under any circumstances.

Membership Fees

In the event of a refund of registration fees being sought the following principles will apply.

  1. Generally, any cost incurred by the club will not be refunded
  2. Between Week 1 and Week 5 of the summer season members will be refunded 25% of the balance. (deposit non- refundable)
  3. After Week 5 no refund will be provided unless the relevant committee director determines that a portion of fees can be refunded due to extenuating circumstances.
  4. Refund requests caused by exceptional circumstances (e.g. serious illness or injury, relocating of parent/s etc) may be considered by the Club committee on an individual basis. Medical certificate will need to be provided but refund no guaranteed.
  5. Where a player’s registration is withdrawn by the Club for breaches of the Elite Football Codes of Behaviour or any FFV or FFA Code of Behaviour, no refund, regardless of other circumstances will be paid.
  1. Registrations are not transferable between players


Any request for refund of fees must be sent to the club in writing to

The Club treasurer and at least one other committee office bearer will evaluate the request and decide on the outcome.


13. Code of Conduct Sign Off